Welcome to Blend Shipping Incorporated

Here you will find...
Logistic concepts via sea, land and air

Here you find all the information you need to get the right mix for your individual requirements regarding the international transport market from a single source.
Competent, effective, customer-oriented: Together we develop worldwide logistic concepts via sea, land and air.
Special Transport

It occurs that the transport good is higher, broader or heavier. Particular orders, routes...

Supply Logistics

Subtle logistics with its extensive intricacies are not a problem for us.

Hazardous material transport

Due to our long-term experience dangerous, biological and chemical substances.

Blend Shipping GmbH

Kieler Straße 103 - 107, Haus D
25474 Bönningstedt
Email: info@blendshipping.de
Tel: +49 40 41 62 87-0